400 ophthalmologists from all over Italy followed, with great interest, the reports made by national and international experts.
From 15 to 17 March 2018, the 2nd AISG (Italian Association for the Study of Glaucoma) International Congress was held in Milan, within the framework of the World Glaucoma Week.
400 ophthalmologists from all over Italy followed, with great interest, the reports made by national and international experts.
Polifarma, with its team of Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives, Area Managers and representatives of the Marketing Ophta Line, has provided ophthalmologists with information on the Company, its Products, Services and ongoing Projects.
Since last year, in fact, our company has decided to have a protagonist role in the digital revolution the health industry is experiencing (along with all other industries). The Ophthalmology Business Unit, in particular, carries out projects with a high innovative and technological impact, because we believe that sharing information, offering services, and keeping patients updated are essential elements in the current medical industry.
And digital tools can be valuable allies for physicians.
The 'Digital Health Corner' is now an established format. At national and international meetings and conferences, the Digital Corner at Polifarma's stand represents an opportunity for ophthalmologists to compare and get updated on market smartphone and tablet applications, mobile devices, nanotechnology, and digital therapy for eye care and health.
Thanks to all.
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