
Polifarma at the VII National Conference of Gruppo Campano ORL (GCORL)

Past, present and digital future of “The management of ENT diseases: from the theory to the clinical practice, a multidisciplinary approach”.


Polifarma attended the VII National Conference of Gruppo Campano ORL (GCORL) entitled “The management of ENT diseases: from the theory to the clinical practice, a multidisciplinary approach”. The event took place in Salerno from 21st to 23rd November 2019.

The real big news of this year’s edition was the interest shown in the latest digital trends, as proven by the large number of speeches and insights focused on the new technologies of III Millennium in Med Science and shared by companies, doctors and professionals.

The first day was -almost- entirely dedicated to several digital topics, such as Digital Health, the changes of the medical profession in the digital age, the relationship between new technologies and Med Science.

Additionally, the presence of many “millennials” stressed the importance of providing digital trainings and follow-ups because, in a world which is quickly changing, future doctors should be constantly updated in order to be always in step with the times.

The approach described above, which goes hand in hand with a well-structured and high-quality Scientific Conference Format, proves even more that nowadays speaking about digital and new technologies in Med Science is essential.

Given that, it has to be said that a 100-year-old respected institution such as Polifarma has been trying to support doctors for years, being able to recognize and enhancing in advance the importance of the Digital Transformation in Med Science.

The VII National Conference, organized by Gruppo Campano ORL and ANSOA, recorded more than 700 participants (attendees and speakers), reaching a broader audience (not only locals). It officially became a recognized format where professionals can share useful information with the purpose of optimizing therapeutic results and taking advantage of the available resources.

And Polifarma is always happy to be part of it.

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