

An infection of the urinary tract that affects both men and women.


Cystitis is an infection of the lower urinary tract, more frequent in females than in males.

Estimates suggest that 25-35% of women aged between 20 and 40 have had at least one occurence of cystitis in their lifespan. The infection can occur only once but, when neglected, can step back in and perpetuate itself.

The incidence in adult males is much lower, it doesn't exceed 1-2%. The risk increases by ageing.

In some cases cystitis can be asymptomatic or bereft of evident causes, other times, for instance, it's determined by sexual intercourses or the use of contraceptive measures; amongst the main causes, there is the ascent of fecal and/or vaginal pathogens towards the bladder. One is more sensitive to the pathology when:

  • The immune sytem is debilitated due to an antibiotic treatment
  • Irregular dietary habits or excessive stress
  • Presence of mental or physical tiredness
  • Little or excessive care of intimate hygiene
  • Excessively tight trousers or underwear
  • Chemical agents

Typical symptoms of cystitis are characterised by:

  • Burning and (more or less acute) pain during urination
  • Difficulties and slowness in urination that requires effort and isn't abudant
  • Most daily urinations with a reduction of urine amount
  • Bad smell in turbid urine
  • Sudden painful spasm and urge to urinate
  • Traces of blood in urine
  • Temperature above 38°, chills and lumbar pain can hint at the spread of the infection in the urinary tract

Chronic cystitis has a similar symptomatology as acute cystitis, but milder.

In order to avoid recurrent infections, the recommandations are:

  • Drink at least 2 litres of water a day; the consumption of water prevents the occurence of cystitis, because it avoids urine stagnation in the bladder
  • Do not retain urine
  • Avoid intestine-irritating food and drinks, like salty or spicy food, cured meats (sausages), meat and alcohol. It's important to consume big quantities of fruit and vegetables.
  • Urinate before going to sleep and after sexual intercourses
  • Avoid sharing towels and underwear
  • Wear cotton underwear and not synthetic fibers
  • Keep a regular intimate hygiene avoiding the usage of too aggressive detergents

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