Despite the flu and the flu syndrome are caused by different viruses, they share many symptoms.
Despite the flu and the flu syndrome are caused by different viruses, they share many symptoms as: cough, cold, headache, articular and muscular pain, but also general malaise.
The symptoms tipically occur a couple of days after the exposure to the virus and spontaneously disappear after a week, without causing serious damages to the organism and without a trace.
In children, the flu syndrome can also concern the gastrointestinal tract causing nausea and vomit, while in the elderly and weakened people's immune system, the situation can evolve into bronchitis, pneumonia, sinuses and otitis.
The flu is caused by viruses and specific viral strains (flu viruses of type A and B); when people can't identify the type, they refer to the flu syndrome, which instead is caused by a multiplicity of different viruses (about 200).
We usually tend to connect the flu and the flu syndrome to cold as a primary cause whereas, actually, there isn't an assured connection.
The need to seeking shelter from the cold in closed and poorly ventilated places or the dryness of the air - which is typical of low temperatures - heavily increase the risk of contagion.
Amogst the useful tips to stick to in case of flu and flu syndrome, there are natural remedies such as hot infusions, honey and cinnamon for the throat or mint and eucalyptus for the cough, vitamin C in case of cold, that can be integrated with orange squashes.
They don't cure, but easily decrease the intensity and the duration of the most annoying symptoms.
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