
Hepato-biliary diseases – Causes and Symptoms

Drugs and improper eating habits are the most common causes that can cause these diseases.


The causes

Amongst the most common causes, except for predisposition, there's a series of factors that alters the bile composition:

  1. Use of medicines such as estrogens (they increase the production of cholesterol)
  2. Too rich meals, or skipping breakfast (it hinders the proper cyclic emptying of the bile)
  3. Pregnancy (causes an alteration of cholesterol and fats metabolism)

The symptoms

Symptoms variability mostly depends on the stillness of stones (calculus) inside the cholecystis; in the event that the stones are still, symptoms are quite mild and bearable, such as abdominal swelling or digestive difficulties, but in case the stones start to move (in order to leak out), painful and disturbing colics may occur, often besided by temperature, nausea and vomit.

As far as all diseases affecting the liver and the cholecystis are concerned, it's important to prepare food in the simplest way, using raw or undercooked olive oil. Generally speaking, the most common and reversible mistakes are: a diet too rich in fats and animal proteins, and a very sedentary lifestyle.

In the following chart we listed a summary of allowed and to-be-avoided food:

Topped, rich in crumb, packaged bread
Rusks, dry and toasted bread
Cold cuts, refined and fat meat (bacon)
Skinless lean meat (rabbit, chicken)
Whole milk
Low fat milk
Fat fish (salmon, eel) and preserved in oil fish
Baked, grilled and boiled fish
Legumes, cabbage and cauliflower, peppers
Raw vegetables or topped with raw oil
Dry fruit
Fresh fruit

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