Do not underestimate the role of both the upper respiratory tract and the closed spaces in the transmission of the virus
The past months have been characterized by a quick increase of Sars-CoV-2 cases both in Europe and in the rest of the world. The virus is spreading even faster than before, and the worsening of the epidemiological situation is forcing the governments to take strong actions.
As we know, Sars-CoV-2 virus can be transmitted through the contact with the droplets of an infected person, whether symptomatic or not. So, it is necessary to keep distance between each other and wear the mask in order to avoid the contagion.
To make sure that the mask is used in a proper and effective way, it is mandatory to cover and protect both the nose and the mouth.
However, despite the common use of this “life-saving” device, people still make many mistakes. Indeed, it is very common to meet people who wear the mask only to cover the mouth, leaving the nose uncovered. Or, even worse, people who take off their masks to sneeze, spreading the droplets everywhere.
As a matter of fact, infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, that have always been a big problem for people and patients quality of life, are mostly caused by the inhalation and suction of infectious agents through the nose, where it is very common to find a greater quantity of viral load.
To sum up, the protection of the upper respiratory tract through the correct use of the mask and nasal filters is very important, especially during this time of emergency.
Which are the places where it is easier to contract the infection?
The virus stays in the air and can be more easily transmitted in closed spaces.
As recommended by the “Istituto Superiore di Sanità”, if you are forced to stay in a closed place for a long time you should:
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