SELF-CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO ART. 46 OF PRESIDENTIAL DECREE 445/2000 The doctor assumes responsibility for what s/he states and is criminally liable in the event of a false or untruthful declaration, as laid down in art. 76 of Presidential Decree 445/2000: 1. Anyone who makes false declarations, forms false documents or makes use of them in the cases provided for by this consolidation act shall be punished according to the Penal Code and the special laws on the subject. 2. The exhibiting of a document containing information that is no longer true is equivalent to using a false document. 3. Substitutive declarations made under articles 46 and 47 and declarations made on behalf of the persons referred to in article 4, subparagraph 2, are considered to be made to a public official. 4. If the offences referred to in subparagraphs 1, 2 and 3 are committed in order to obtain appointment to a public office or authorisation to exercise a profession or trade, the judge in more serious cases can apply a temporary ban from public offices or from the profession and trade. ...